You can control
your amygdala with practice
I was once a jealous person. My father was an extremely jealous man, and
used to wrongly accuse my mother of infidelity. He made vicious attacks on my
mother, both physical and verbal.
Though I swore I would never be like my
father, I found that I did get jealous easily, and without justification.
One frightening day, many years ago, an outburst of jealousy nearly cost me the most precious
relationship in my life. That was the turning point, the crisis that made me
realise that I had to manage my fear of rejection, which was what my jealousy
was really all about.
My amygdala was reacting to a perceived, and absolutely
baseless, threat that I might be left for another woman.
However, I realised that if I could learn to stall my brain's instant emotional reaction (The Almond Effect), that
would give the thinking part of my brain, the pre-frontal cortex, time to click in.
would remember then that there was nothing to be jealous about, that my reaction
was totally inappropriate, and hopefully I would be able to keep my act
Easier said than
Easier said than done of course, but I was determined.
I started to really
notice the situations when jealousy tugged at my heart. When this happened, I concentrated on saying to
myself: ‘You have nothing to be afraid of.'
It was a long road. It took more than six months of hard work to
learn not to react. I still feel a twinge of jealousy occasionally, but it no longer controls me. I'm in control of that feeling now and it no longer threatens my relationship.
I'm telling you this because it may take time for you to be able to learn to
control your Almond Effect®, however it shows up in your life. Don't be hard on
yourself if you find it hard to change your ‘usual' reaction.
Just keep on practising, and ask yourself what
else you could do to manage The Almond Effect®? Give yourself a pat on the back
for even trying, and a huge reward when you succeed.
A colleague of mine works for a training company that offers time management
solutions. I wrote about her several years ago and, even though she's risen up
the ranks, I can't believe it but she still has the same problem - this time
with her CEO.
My colleague's company offers software solutions and trains employees to manage their time more
effectively to improve productivity and performance. It's amazing how popular
these courses are even though they've been around for decades.
So, can you imagine how my colleague felt when her boss, now the CEO, said
he just didn't have time to meet with her to go through her performance review
and career development plan! She felt like she was in a time warp!
Common reasons for
Our conversation set me thinking about why so many change efforts still
stall or lose momentum. One of the most common reasons remains congruency or
consistency (or lack of it) by the so called leaders.
For example, let's say you decide that to increase your competitiveness in a
cut-throat market, your organization's culture is holding you back.
Despite the kick in the guts created by the global financial
crisis, the culture remains inward looking and process driven.
To survive, the company must become outward looking and customer focused across all its
operations and not just at the customer interface.
So the company embarks on the change process. It restructures; it retrains
staff and starts on a culture change program.
Yet despite the clear reasons why the culture must change and past
behaviors and responses examined, many members of senior management continue
to resort to short term expediency of cutting costs rather spending time on a
careful well conceived approach to obtain and deliver the necessary strategic
They haven't learned to manage The Almond Effect® yet!
So the company starts a cost cutting exercise. Senior management even visits
the front line to drive the cost-cutting message in person.
What's the result?
However staff are confused by the mixed messages; the company remains inward looking, there
is still no focus on the customer. Nothing seems to have changed over a decade.
Leaders should set
the pace
During times of change and pressure, people always look to their leaders to
set the pace and show the way.
Psychologically we are designed to respond positively or at least neutrally,
to consistency. When things don't turn out the way we expect based on our
brain's hard-wired patterns, that's when The Almond Effect® can happen.
Comedians play on this and make us laugh by delivering a line we can't
predict. You can't see it coming. But in a comic situation, you know it's safe
and not a threat.
Inconsistency is acceptable in some situations but what most people want in
the workplace is to know what's coming next and to be able to rely on their
leaders. People believe what they see, not what is said. They want leaders they
can trust.
I have never met an employee yet who says, "I love the way I don't know
how the boss is going to react. It's great that it is never the same."
If you can remember back many years, just consider your reaction and the
reaction of the American people to the Bill Clinton-Monica Lewinsky debacle.
It's still talked about.
Most people did not care too much about the fact that the then President had
an affair. What started to shift opinions were his inconsistent statements.
That inconsistency, not the affair, almost cost him the Presidency and most
certainly impacted on the level of trust in him by the American people.
Beware the silent
If leaders "don't practice what they preach" or "walk their
talk", their people don't trust them. When that happens, people become
cynical, unresponsive to change and at worst become 'silent saboteurs'.
We know there is a problem and the change isn't going according to plan but
we just can't seem to put our finger on it.
A major challenge for leaders of change is they must have the resilience,
tenacity and clarity of vision to shake off the old and focus on the new. In
complex and difficult change situations, it's easy to fall back into the old
ways of doing things when the going gets tough.
What can management
So what does a CEO and the management team need to do to change the culture
and bring about any changes in attitude or behaviors to a new way of doing
Try this list for to start with:
Get out there and communicate:
- The
business reasons for change - why change is necessary. This is one of the top
reasons why people don't get on board - they have no convincing answer to the
question: Why should I change
- Create
urgency- show the extreme pressure to change coming from outside the
- Validate
the way the organization has been to date and their role in it
- Describe
the new vision and scope - what will it be like after change - define it from
perspective of the listener
- Identify
what is not changing
- Explain
the change process - the initiatives and timelines
- Let
them know what changes can be expected and when
- Describe
the problems they might experience
- Explain
the impact of not changing
- Don't
blame the past or people
- Answer
the WIFM question and "How will this affect me? ‘What am I expected to
And ensure that all your influencers at whatever level act consistently and
congruently with all the change messages that are being sent. If they do not,
move them out of your company or to a position of no influence, direct or
Can you step up?
This is a big job, not for the feint hearted. But for leaders who realise
that this is the most important role of the leader, your reward will be to join
the small and exclusive list of leaders who have successfully taken their
organizations to the next level.
Can you talk
comfortably with your CEO and senior management?
Can you relate to this?
Sue recently wrote to me:
"I wonder why we
sometimes avoid speaking with people our senior at work?
When I changed
positions and organisations I vowed that I would be more open to people my
senior in the workplace. This was for two reasons: first to be more
approachable and second to further my career by being 'top of mind' so to
speak. But again this hasn't happened very easily. I still avoid speaking with
the CEO, so is it to do with a fear of rejection of some sort?
In one position I had held for a long time I had no fear of the CEO and
ended up doing an interview with them for an assignment I was doing about
leadership styles. I felt very comfortable in that organisation and had a good
depth of knowledge so was very much an 'expert in my field'.
But I would like to be able to join an organisation and feel comfortable
speaking with seniors even without a so called 'expert' hat on.
I wondered if you could shed some light on this, or whether other people
may have approached you with the same issue."
How's your EQ?
As I read through Sue's email, a number of thoughts were running through my
mind. My first response is ‘well done Sue' for recognising that her ‘fear' and
discomfort may not only make some work relationships uncomfortable but also
could be career limiting.
There is no doubt in my mind that success and indeed strong leadership at
work is built on good relationships and the capacity to have them. This depends
on the ability to communicate well with people at all levels of the
organisation up, down and laterally.
To make the journey up the career ladder, expertise and skill are essential
but are, in my view, simply the platform from which other much more important
capabilities must spring or develop.
I am, of course, talking about emotional intelligence. Most readers
will know that the core skills of EQ are:
- the
ability to recognise what emotions we are experiencing and when;
- how
they impact us and others, and to manage both those impacts;
- to
recognise what emotions others are experiencing;
- to
understand how that might be affecting them; and then
- to
take all that information into account in whatever decisions are made and/or
actions carried out.
EQ also involves resilience, motivation and persistence. I think that a heap
of courage is also involved particularly in situations like Sue's.
Check out your
Sue is certainly sufficiently self-aware to know that an emotion, probably
fear but there could be others, is impacting her ability to develop rapport
with people her senior at work. Her next step is to see where that is coming
from and then to manage it.
Sue says she has had both successful and not so successful experiences with
CEOs before. When it was successful, Sue said she had no fear and "was
very much an 'expert in my field'". So is it fear of not being seen as
having expertise that is holding Sue back?
We know that The Almond Effect® can cause us to react inappropriately or
retreat from an invalidly perceived threat.
So Sue should be looking into the emotions she is experiencing and asking
‘Where did that come from?' In fact to assist her, I'm going to send Sue a copy
of my e-book Where
Did That Come From? How To Stay In Control In Any Situation. Proven Tips To
Manage The Almond Effect®
Of course, I would encourage Sue to continue to build her expertise.
See them as a
person first
In addition my advice to Sue would be to stop thinking about the title or
level that someone has in the organisation. Instead train yourself to see them
first and foremost as people with jobs to do.
When Sue meets these people, she should take a genuine interest in what they
are doing; ask or say something about that and think of/suggest ways in which
she can help them achieve their goals. Sue can talk about what work she is
doing that is contributing to the overall goals of the organisation.
If Sue feels uncomfortable initially about that, she should at least find
out what else interests the CEO and other senior people so that she can make a
comment about that.
A key component about the ability to build relationships and to influence
others, is 'likeability', i.e. that we like and respond to people who are like
ourselves. That makes sense from an evolutionary perspective - we are not
threatened by members of our own ‘tribe'.
I think Sue should also actively confront her ‘fear' and seek out the
opportunity to work directly with the senior people. When this happens Sue
needs to get information from the senior people about how they like to be
worked with!
If Sue does this, she will immediately improve the quality of her dealings
with senior people - she is giving them what they want and in the way that they
want it. It will also diminish her fears as she has removed uncertainty about
whether she is doing the right thing.
I have a small presentation on Managing Upwards if you want to this information.
Email me if you
would like a copy.